Saturday, March 27, 2010

Well would you look at that

From the ABC website:

A political party for people with disabilities is on the cusp of winning its first seat in an Australian parliament.

The Dignity for Disability Party looks set to pick up a seat in the Upper House of South Australia's Parliament after last weekend's election.

That will be a historic result and one that will bring mixed emotions for supporters because the party's lead candidate died during the campaign.

Kelly Vincent, 21, is almost certain of winning a seat in the Upper House, which would make her South Australia's youngest parliamentarian and the state's only MP in a wheelchair.

"They would have to put a ramp at Parliament House," she said.

"They would have to change the rules. There'll be no more standing votes or standing. There'll be no more standing as far as I'm concerned.

"So big changes are going to happen just purely if I get elected."

How good is that? What satisfaction there is, as a voter, in seeing your top preference below the line get across the, erm, line.

On the other hand, like my friend R said, how appalling is it that there should be a perceived need for a party called Dignity for the Disabled in the first place? Much less that so many people would see the need that they voted it all the way to the Upper House.

And is there really not a ramp at Parliament House?


Sam P said...

Hi Cat,
There is a ramp to get into some parts of Parliament House, but there is currently no way for Kelly to get in the Legislative Council Chamber. d4d make a splash about the issue at the last election, in 2006, and they still haven't done anything about it. Shameful if you ask me.
How indicative is it for a government to not allow people with disabilities access to their own voices in parliament.

Let's hope that Kelly does actually get in. We'll know on Thursday.

GS said...

What wonderful news. Am crossing my fingers for Kelly. Have to admit I've pretty much had zero interest in State politics beyond that of my home, so thanks for the update. I'd be cheering for any 21 yo, young woman getting a seat in parliament but the attention she's going to bring regarding disabilities is a double win.

Go Kelly! :)

Nigel said...

The Dignity for Disabled Party? Hmm, that could refer to both major political parties, because they both seem a bit, well, stuck. It could also be a party for the general populace, who have been disabled by the main parties.

genevieve said...

Delighted you gave them a preference, Pav, and what an encouraging moment this is.
Full steam ahead for the Disability Insurance scheme now.